Tag: ślub w stodole
Kasia + Arek
![White and Light - Kasia + Arek White and Light - Kasia + Arek - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_037.jpg)
![White and Light - Kasia + Arek White and Light - Kasia + Arek - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_037.jpg)
Przedstawiam Wam kolejne piękne wesele, jakie miałem okazję fotografować.
Arek jest pasjonatem wędkarstwa, więc motyw spinek był zdecydowanie adekwatny, bardzo lubię takie “smaczki” to pokazuje kim jest Para Młoda i dzięki temu, ten dzień staje się jeszcze bardziej Wasz! Po wizycie u Arka, pojechałem na przygotowania do Kasi, zrobiliśmy kilka rewelacyjnych portretów, a po chwili zaczęli pojawiać się pierwsi goście. Niedługo później, po wzruszającym błogosławieństwie, wyruszyliśmy na ceremonię. Nowożeńcy w drogę wybrali się nie lada gratką dla fanów motoryzacji, bo pojechali pięknym, klasycznym, ponad 4-ro litrowym jaguarem
Uroczystość, mimo, że w okolicznościach pandemii i wszechobecnych maskach, była przepiękna!
Na koniec zrobiliśmy zdjęcia grupowe i obraliśmy kierunek na salę weselną – Lubaszka.
Dekoracje, tak samo jak i okolice sali były niesamowite! Wszędzie pełno zieleni, co w połączeniu z drewnianą konstrukcją lokalu dało prawdziwe poczucie naturalności. Goście bawili się bosko, trzeba zauważyć, że Kapela Rmi dawała czadu, nie tylko podczas setów muzycznych, ale także przy oczepinach, musicie to zobaczyć!
Serdecznie zapraszam do oglądania!
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_133-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_133-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_128-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_128-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_129-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_129-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_132-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_132-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_131-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_131-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_127-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_127-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_126-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_126-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_125-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_125-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_124-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_124-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_123-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_123-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_130-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_130-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_122-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_122-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_121-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_121-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_120-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_120-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_119-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_119-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_118-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_118-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_117-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_117-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_116-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_116-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_115-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_115-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_114-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_114-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_113-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_113-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_112-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_112-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_111-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_111-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_110-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_110-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_109-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_109-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_108-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_108-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_107-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_107-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_106-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_106-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_105-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_105-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_104-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_104-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_103-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_103-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_102-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_102-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_101-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_101-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_100-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_100-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_099-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_099-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_098-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_098-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_097-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_097-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_096-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_096-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_095-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_095-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_094-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_094-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_093-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_093-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_092-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_092-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_091-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_091-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_090-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_090-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_089-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_089-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_088-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_088-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_087-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_087-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_086-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_086-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_085-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_085-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_084-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_084-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_083-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_083-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_082-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_082-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_081-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_081-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_080-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_080-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_079-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_079-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_078-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_078-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_077-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_077-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_076-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_076-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_075-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_075-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_074-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_074-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_073-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_073-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_072-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_072-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_071-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_071-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_070-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_070-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_069-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_069-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_068-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_068-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_067-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_067-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_066-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_066-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_065-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_065-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_064-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_064-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_063-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_063-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_062-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_062-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_061-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_061-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_060-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_060-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_059-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_059-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_058-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_058-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_057-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_057-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_056-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_056-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_055-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_055-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_054-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_054-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_053-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_053-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_052-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_052-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_051-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_051-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_050-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_050-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_049-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_049-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_048-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_048-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_047-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_047-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_046-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_046-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_045-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_045-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_044-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_044-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_043-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_043-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_042-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_042-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_041-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_041-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_040-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_040-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_039-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_039-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_038-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_038-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_037-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_037-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_036-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_036-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_035-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_035-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_034-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_034-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_033-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_033-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_032-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_032-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_031-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_031-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_030-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_030-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_029-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_029-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_028-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_028-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_027-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_027-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_026-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_026-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_025-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_025-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_024-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_024-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_023-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_023-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_022-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_022-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_021-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_021-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_020-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_020-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_019-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_019-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_018-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_018-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_017-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_017-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_015-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_015-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_014-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_014-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_013-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_013-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_012-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_012-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_011-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_011-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_010-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_010-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_009-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_009-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_008-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_008-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_007-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_007-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_006-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_006-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_005-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_005-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_004-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_004-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_003-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_003-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_002-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_002-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_001-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/wpis_02_001-1024x683.jpg)
Iwona + Kamil
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_065.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_065.jpg)
Piękne wesele w Stodole u Gajdy
Iwona i Kamil ślubowali sobie w niesamowitym kościele niedaleko panny młodej, w Raniżowie.
Na wesele pojechaliśmy do Kolbuszowej na salę “Stodoła u Gajdy”, która utrzymana jest w rustykalnym stylu. Lokal łączy drewno z czystą, elegancką bielą i ciepłym światłem girland. Świetną robotę, jeśli chodzi o zdjęcia z przyjęcia, zrobiło wspomniane już oświetlenie – zarówno girlandy, jak i mocne, kolorowe światła kapeli “Grafit” pozwoliły na osiągnięcie takich efektów (z małą pomocą moich lamp błyskowych ?). Rewelacyjnie pracowało mi się w takich warunkach! Mnogość kolorów, ciągle uśmiechnięta Para Młoda, piękna okolica, wspaniała pogoda, dobra muzyka, było przepięknie! ?
Serdecznie zapraszam do oglądania!
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_100-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_100-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_099-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_099-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_098-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_098-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_097-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_097-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_096-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_096-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_095-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_095-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_094-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_094-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_093-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_093-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_092-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_092-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_091-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_091-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_090-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_090-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_089-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_089-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_088-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_088-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_087-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_087-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_086-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_086-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_085-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_085-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_084-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_084-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_083-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_083-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_082-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_082-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_081-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_081-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_080-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_080-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_079-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_079-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_078-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_078-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_077-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_077-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_076-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_076-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_075-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_075-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_074-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_074-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_073-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_073-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_072-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_072-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_071-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_071-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_070-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_070-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_069-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_069-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_068-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_068-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_067-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_067-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_066-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_066-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_065-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_065-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_064-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_064-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_063-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_063-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_062-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_062-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_061-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_061-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_060-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_060-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_059-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_059-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_058-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_058-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_057-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_057-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_056-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_056-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_055-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_055-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_054-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_054-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_053-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_053-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_052-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_052-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_051-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_051-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_050-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_050-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_049-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_049-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_048-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_048-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_047-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_047-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_046-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_046-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_045-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_045-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_044-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_044-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_043-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_043-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_042-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_042-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_041-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_041-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_040-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_040-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_039-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_039-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_038-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_038-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_037-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_037-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_036-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_036-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_035-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_035-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_034-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_034-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_033-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_033-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_032-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_032-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_031-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_031-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_030-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_030-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_029-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_029-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_028-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_028-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_027-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_027-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_026-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_026-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_025-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_025-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_024-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_024-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_023-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_023-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_022-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_022-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_021-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_021-683x1024.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_020-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_020-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_019-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_019-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_018-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_018-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_017-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_017-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_016-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_016-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_015-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_015-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_014-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_014-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_013-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_013-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_012-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_012-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_011-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_011-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_010-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_010-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_009-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_009-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_008-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_008-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_007-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_007-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_006-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_006-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_005-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_005-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_004-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_004-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_003-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_003-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_002-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_002-1024x684.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_001-1024x683.jpg)
![White and Light - Iwona + Kamil White and Light - Iwona + Kamil - ślub w stodole Archives - White and Light](https://whiteandlight.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fotograf-slubny-rzeszow-krakow_03_001-1024x683.jpg)